Election Results

 On the fourth of October 2021, citizens across the nation went to the polling booth to elect the 7th Parliament. The election saw the most hotly contested election in the history of the nation with four different parties contesting a variety of seats with the hope of gaining a majority. 

The election saw 9 seats up for grabs for the 4 contesting parties. The Largest Party, the Equity Party, planned to return to Government under the continuation of Prime Minister Katrina's tenure. The Party utilized their popularity to contest as many seats as possible.

Meet the Candidates: 

  1. HG Katrina of Furlong Katrina is our incumbent Prime Minister and leader of the Equity Party. Katrina has been actively involved in the nation since her first election to Parliament in January 2019. Katrina is currently servers also as a member of the cabinet and Archduchess of Furlong.
  2. HIH Prince Matthew of Terentia Matthew is the incumbent leader of the Opposition, Cabinet Minister and Leader of the Liberal Party. Matthew was the first Leader of the Opposition to ever serve in an incumbent Ministry. His Imperial Highness was among the first citizens of the Empire and has been politically active since the 3rd Katrina Ministry. - His Imperial Majesty Emperor Rory I Our Imperial Majesty the Emperor is the incumbent Leader of the Conservative Party and Speaker of the House. Alongside these positions, he also serves in the Conservative-Equity Coalition of the 5th Katrina Ministry. - Lieutenant Lachlan P Lachlan has been a Military officer within the Empire for a total of one year. During the 2021 by-election for the Seat of Farmoria, Lachlan formed his own, independent party named the greens after he was narrowly defeated as an independent candidate in the by-election.

The first constituency to declare in the election was the Constituency of Glochenspeer, This Result was completely expected. Glochenspeer being both the smallest and politically inactive constituency in the empire saw the almost definite win of Liberal MP Baroness Rubi. Rubi formally served in the Shadow Cabinet as Opposition Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister of State.
Shortly after the declaration of Glochenspeer on Election Night, the Election Commission released a prediction on the winner for the Constituency of Furlong:

The prediction was soon confirmed by the announcement of 100% Votes in by 7:12pm on Election Night. The Furlong Constituency elected Equity MP and Prime Minister Katrina Corry for her 6th Term in the House of Commons. Katrina won her seat by a landslide, being the only candidate to receive a vote.
The win secured an Equity Hold in the forming parliament, enabling them to become more confident in the continuation of Early Equity Party successes. The Prime Minister made a statement shortly after the declaration of her seat from the Equity Party room:

'This win not only symbolizes Equity Support in Furlong, but also gives our party the likely capabilities of forming Government, enabling us to continue to support the citizens of our nation.'

After the declaration of Furlong came the Declaration for seat 1 of Hazartica. This declaration, made at 83% votes in, declared Equity MP and Front Bencher Harry re-elected to the House of Commons. Lord Harrison was predicted to be the Successor to the position of Deputy PM if the need ever arose. Lord Harrison currently serves as a Cabinet Minister, likely to see promotion to Sr. Cabinet Minister post-election.

After the declaration of Hazartica came the declaration of Lachtoria. The Lachtorian Election was a heated one, seeing the Equity candidate Lord Lachlan of Lachtoria, sitting Equity MP and Deputy Cabinet Minister contest the seat against Liberal Candidate and Former Mayor of Lachtoria, Viscount Kevin. Viscount Lord Kevin originally resigned from Local Politics in the hope to contest national politics for Lachtoria. The resignation came as a shock, however was expected. The former mayor's defeat in the national election would likely leave him puzzled as to where his political career will go.
That concluded the first night of Election Declarations, still leaving the second Seat for Hazartica, and the two-seat from Myrth & Farmoria completely undecided.
The second day started off with the second seat from Hazartica. Due to no second candidate reaching the required Quoata, the Liberal and Greens Candidates, (greens candidate receiving 20% of the primary vote and Liberal Candidate receiving none) had their preferences counted. Due to the overwhelming amount of second preference votes from Equity members to the Liberal Candidate, although not receiving any primary votes, was elected as the second seat for the constituency. This gives the Liberal Party yet another shot at taking the long-held government from the Equity Party.
Farmacia, being the biggest and most politically active constituency was a tough election.
The first seat for Farmoria, Seat 1 was declared for the Sitting Equity MP, Deputy Prime Minister HIH Emma I. The seat was expected to go to the sitting Equity MP, who the seat with a 3% Margin. Seat 2 was the most contested seat being Liberal Candidate and Green Leader both contest the seat. In the end, the Green Leader, Lieutenant Lachlan P, came out on top winning 40% of the total primary vote, to the Liberal Candidates 7%.
The second day of electoral declaration adjourned, leaving both the Myrth Seats undecided. The results of Myrth would decide the fate of the Election.
For the first Myrth seat, sitting Conservative MP His Imperial Majesty Rory I, went up against a Greens Candidate and Independent Candidate. Both the candidates, whilst relatively unknown to the community, did pose a good campaign against the sitting MP, advocating for the 'Entrance of Left-wing politicians into our Parliament.' The reason an Equity candidate did not contest the seat is from an Equity-Conservative agreement. Rory, I won his seat by an 8% margin. Runner up greens candidate secured 25% of the vote followed by the independent who secured 16.66%.
The second Myrth Seat was contested by sitting Liberal MP Matthew (Leader of the Liberal Party) and a conservative Candidate. The seat was won by a landslide margin of 16% to Matthew I.

The final composition saw the continuation of the Katrina Ministry, with a Majority Coalition of the Equity-Conservative parties. Conservative Leader and Lord Chancellor of the House was unanimously elected to continue as the Speaker. The Purple seat in front of the speaker is the chair of the Prime Minister/Government Presiding Minister.

Three days after the election, the Prime Minister was sent the formal letter, offering her party to form a government. The letter was quickly accepted and the 6th Katrina Ministry was born.


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