Hung Parliament Results in Coalition Deals

 The Election Day closed formally on the 10th of April, with the Office of Our Imperial Majesty officially issuing the results of the election on the 13th. 

Our first district, Hazartica, saw an increase in margin for for sitting Equity MP Lord Colonel Harrison, obtaining a margin of 16% against supposedly popular Liberal Candidate Baroness Kay. The Electoral Commission has labelled the seat as a safe seat by electoral authorities. 

Myrth also saw little change, with the NDP candidate recieving a mere 20% of the entire vote against incumbent Conservative MP Emperor Rory I, with 80% and a safe margin of 30%. This was definitely a close call for the Conservative party as Equity + Liberal Preferences were expected to flow to the NDP candidate. Luckily enough, the Emperor won solely on first preference votes. 

Furlong is yet another safe seat, this election representnig the first ever time a second candidate has run against its sitting MP and long serving Prime Minister, HG the Archduchess of Furlong who competed against Greens candidate Mr. Sam H. The results came as expected with a margin of 30% in favour of the sitting incumbent member. 

Seaspray was the first swing district of the election, seeing sitting NDP candidate Sir Lieutenant Martin E. loose his seat against Equity Candidate Madam Alison E, DESPITE the fact that an NDP-Equity coalition was expected to form, and the only reason Equity posted a candidate in the seat was to score a preference deal. Alison won on a margin of a mere 7%, however being a total of 22% of the vote against second place candidate & existing NDP MP. In third place, LA candidate got a mere 7% of the vote, indicating little to no far left support in the region.

Smartslin was a newly formed district which was contested by Leftist Candidate Major General Baron Hudson and Liberal Candidate and original founder of the crown dependency, Mr Talon W. The seat was a score for the desperate Leftist Alliance Party, coming on top with a clear margin of 16%, scoring the LA the first seat in its history of existence.

Lachtoria was the most interesting swing of the election. Formerly declared a safe seat, Lord LTCOL Baron Lachlan F. did little campaigning in the district after being assured by many people that the seat was safely an equity stronghold. On the contrary, conservative candidate and former Mayor of the town of Lachtoria spent the campaign period well, appearing in a structured debate and even going as far to print leaflets. The extra mile of campaigning paid off when the Conservative Candidate bet the sitting MP by a 7% margin, and a lead of 22% . Liberal Candidate Mr. Reginald F. came out last with a mere 7% of the district vote.

Farmoria was the most hotly contested election, however resulted in an Equity clear win, after the minor party vote was a four way split in the district, giving the Equity party and her supporters an opportunity to gain a lead of 39% against three way tied second place. HIH Princess Emma, DPM in the 4th, 5th and 6th Equity-Conservative Ministries, was re-elected with a margin of 2%, however still declared a safe seat because of the amount of other candidates and how spread out the vote was, with LA, Conservative and Liberal candidates all scoring 13% and disgrace former Seaspray PM, Greens candidate Sergeant Lachlan P scoring a mere 8%.

Terentia was another hold on the behalf of HIH Prince Matthew who defeated SGTMAJ Murray by a mere 7% margin, making the seat a swing seat, despite the fact that the sitting MP (and Governor-General) was predicted to take the seat by a landslide. 

A finally, Glochenspeer in which the incumbent one on the largest landslide of the election, leading on the second candidate by a huge 69% and holding a margin of 33% against Equity opposition candidate. 

These results (which can be viewed here) leave the HoC with a hung parliament, 4 Equity Seats, 2 Conservative, 2 Liberal and 1 Leftist Alliance. Equity-Conservative relations broke down after the Equity Party ditched the supposedly dying Conservatives in order to pursue coalition deals with the NDP, which later proved to go horribly wrong. With a much needed ally, the Equity party could only find a coalition through the long standing opposition Liberal Party, or the politically opposite Leftist Alliance, all of which did not provide the clearest and most stable government if a coalition was entered.

Originally, a Liberal-Greens-LA coalition deal was formed, however Major General Baron Hudson later announced, only hours before the closing of the election that the LA will cease to offer its support to a future Liberal Government, after the Liberal party posted a candidate in his electorate. 

In the end, at 9:48pm, a coalition deal between the Equity Party and Leftist Alliance left the nation shocked, giving the sitting PM the ability to run the 7th Equity Government (Equity-LA I Coalition) under the 8th House of Commons. A formal cabinet composition is likely to be released shortly. 

Statement form His Imperial Highness Prince Matthew, Leader of the Opposition
'Lurdentania has decided. They went to the polling booths, and voted, and have elected another Equity Government. Perhaps, blinded by the ignorance and corruption of its cabinet, or simply no longer caring as Lurdentanian politics dives further and further into the depths of hell.'

Statement from Major General Baron Hudson M, Leader of the Leftist Alliance 
'This coalition enables the Leftist Alliance to become more active in the affairs of government. We are able to push for the passing and implementation of our policies, to serve our voters and to protect our progressive and leftist values. A Leftist Tomorrow starts today.'



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