Military Officials Plan for Promotion Day

 After a hectic year for the Lurdentanian Army, seeing many events go ahead and many activities successfully completed, corporals and lieutenants across the nation will assemble at Fort Roy for a promotion training day. The corporals will be instructed by Colonel Lord Kaydan, who will take them through the responsibilities, roles and knowledge required for a Lurdentanian sergeant and Major General Hudson M will take the current Lieutenants through their Junior Officer course, to make them eligible for promotion to captain. 

The year was one of the best yet for the Lurdentanian Army, being described as 'Crucial to the development of our army' by the Chief of Army His Imperial Highness Matthew. Other comments were made at a meeting of the General staff including 'A successful year of successful activities.' by Major General Hudson, 'A splendid time!' by Colonel Harrison and 'What a year!' by Colonel Lachlan F. 

The General Staff will once again meet soon before the Corporals course, for the last meeting of the General Staff for the Lurdentanian year. 

In other news, the Imperial Palace will celebrate the 33rd Birthday of Her Imperial Highness Princess Emma. Celebrations will be hosted by the Emperor at the Imperial Palace this evening which will include a formal dinner, a presentation of birthday awards and the customary Lurdentanian tradition of lighting fireworks!


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