The Greens Scandal

 Multiple weeks ago, after an electoral bordering restructure, the City of Seaspray became its own electorate, formally being merged with the Electorate of Farmoria. The Electorate of Seaspray subsequently underwent a by-election to elect a new MP for the seat. The registration period saw the signing up of three candidates for the seat representing three different parties. 

The candidates include (prev.) Lieutenant Mr. Lachlan as the Greens Candidate (and party leader), Madam Alison as the Equity Party Candidate and Mr. Paul P. as the Leftist Alliance candidate. Shortly after the Lurdentanian Electoral Commission announced the list of candidates, a strongly determined and controversial  speech was released by the Prime Minister, HG the Archduchess of Furlong. The statement included unproven accusations against the greens candidate, denounciation of there policies particularly there policy on republicanism and leadership as well as urging the people of the nation to vote against the Greens candidate. In response, the Greens candidate issued yet another controversial statement, labelling the Prime Minister as "dishonourable". The statement went on to back the "Republicanism" stance, which had soon become an important part of the election. Furthermore, the statement made known the greens intentions to displace the Equity Government. 

All whilst this was happening, the Leftist Alliance candidate was printing out flyers, detailing his plan to be a neutral and trutful bystander in parliament, standing up for the right side. These flyers were distributed across Seaspray and brought in some unexpected support for the peaceful and calm candidate. Whilst this occured, the feud between the government and unelected candidate continued with multiple press conferences being held by the Prime Ministers Residence, and multiple statements from the Greens Party. One of the core accusations from the Prime Minister was accusing the Greens Candidate of his affiliation with the foreign rebels in the Lurdentanian Civil War which occured in 2021. 

The Lurdentanian By-Election debate occured a few nights before the election took place. The main points of the debate can be read below.

Q.1 -What are either candidates planning to do in the essence of local infustructure and development?

Notes from the Greens Party Candidate
- Replacing the Town Halls current power source which is 100% reliant on coal to a solar system, reducing reliance to a mere 50%
- Opening of a communal garden in which all citizens may plant crops

Notes from the Leftist Alliance Candidate
- Formation of the Seaspray University, which shall oeprate from the existing town hall,
- Removal of all privately owned business and substituted with a state jurisdicted and regulated business. 

Notes from the Equity Candidate
- Completion of Renovation of the Seaspray Gardens,
- Implementation of Fortnightly State provided yard maintenance services + rubbish collection as to be considered a privellage of citizenship

Q2- What are the Candidates positions on reforming the nation into a Republic

Notes from the Greens Candidate
- They believed that the monarchy is an outdated system which should be removed and replaced with a presidential republic,
- The abolition of the Monarchy would bring a new stage of political activity and democracy 

Notes from the Leftist Alliance Candidate
- Somewhat in favour of Republicanisation, however had respect for the integrity and value that the monarchy provided to the Nation

Notes from the Equity Candidate
- The Monarch is a fundamental institution for our traditions, beliefs and values,
- To ensure the princples of our nation they believed it necesary for it to remain

Political Speeches from candidates

Notes from the Greens Party speech:

- They believe on a standpoint of democratic values,
- they openly criticised the "corrupt" incumbent government, labelling them as "accusers"
- They stated their desire to revolutionise environmental policies within the empire,
- their plans to propose the Republic Acts - an act to remove the monarchy and replace it,
- their plans to propose a new budget in efforts to side more funding to the environmental projects,
- Their willingness to form a Coalition Opposition with the Liberal Party if need be 

Notes from the Leftist Alliance Speech:
- Heavy standpoint on free and accessible educate (notably the formation of multiple universities),
- Belief in the formation of a Doctrine of Rights for citizens which would include the Right of Religion, Freedom of Speech etc. which aren't formally documented anywhere,
- Their willingness to cooperate with the government and/or opposition on the Nature walk project, a costly but beneficial project to build a nature walk through the Myrth National Park through to the beach 

Notes from the Equity Speech:
- Openly criticising their greens for an accused involvement in the civil war, as well as their unprofessionalism and inability to properly govern the nation,
- their intent to make major budget cuts to reduce the current spending by nearly 23,500LM,
- Their intent to fund major infustructure projects,
- their willingness to cooperate with the armed forces to ensure its continued expansion,
- the opening of Lurdentania on weekends to possible tourists as a princple way of income.

After this debate, the election campaigning sat dormant for a few days, as the election came closer. Candidates posted statements and speeches however nothing out of the oridnary. 

On the twenty third of February, His Imperial Majesty returned from school to be notified of two important things. The first was a report from the Lurdentanian Invesitgatory Unit of the Myrth police, which displayed statements and photos provided by exiled rebel leaders in return for there pardoning which proved the Prime Ministers claims against the Greens MP. The second report was that the Government had organised protests in Seaspray that day, with another expected for the next day. The protests recorded to include multiple high ranking government members including HIH Princess Emma, the Deputy Prime Minister and Lord Lt. Col. Lachlan F, a member of the cabinet. 

The Emperor, in shock and outrage, demanded a justification from the Prime Minister for these unecesary protests and the unapproved police investigation, offering Imperial Pardons without imperial consent. The Prime Minister swiftly addressed the nation, stating that the Greens Candidate was a threat to the democracy and princples of the nation, claiming him to be a republican, rebel and anarchist. Furthermore she stated no lack of action will be taken by the Governments and they will continue to support daily protests. 

On the 24th of February, the day had arrived. The two day long election period had commenced at 8am that morning. The ballot box, located outside the town hall of Seaspray, was manned by the Leader of the Opposition and Governor General of the Neighbouring Terentia. On the first day a reported 66.6% of citizens turned out to vote, allowing for the Electoral Commission to prepare for counting. On the 25th of February, the same procedure occured however the ballot station was manned by the Emperor. All twelve votes in the by-election had been recieved, as by law voting in elections was mandated. 

The Election results were released both on the discord server and to the small crowd of officials gathered at the Imperial Palace. The final result ended with the Greens on 58% after preferences, giving the Greens MP the seat. Nearly moments later the Prime Minister released another controversial statement naming this the "end of Lurdentanian democracy" and the "failure of our system" labelling the voters as "brainwashed idiots". The Prime Minister further issued a statement claiming that her government will hold a motion of no confidence against the member. Motions of no confidence requires a 51% majority, something the Government coalition singlehandedly held, putting the newly elected MP at an almost definite disadvantage. 

Before the PM was able to go through with the motion however, the Supreme Court impeached the MP and ordered he appear before the courts on trial for High Treason. The trial was ordered by His Highness the Consul, and was presided over jointly by the Consul and the Emperor. 

The trial initially found the indivdiual guilty of two counts of High Treason and sentenced him to three months of exile, the highest punishment however in an unexpected move in favour of the disgraced republican MP,  the Emperor issued a Doctrine of Pardon, pardoning the individual of all crimes however formally removing him from office, sparking yet another ongoing by-election. 

This election was probably the most chaotic and interesting election within our country yet!


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